Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the page for information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.

Mehmet Soyer

Utah State University

Interests: Examining the critical link between community response and the impacts of energy development through collective behavior, activism, and environmental inequality

Editor in-Chief
E-mail: mehmet.soyer@eduimpact.net

Educational Impact

Robert Dawson

Independent Researcher

Interests: Multiculturalism, education in diverse societies, social studies education, citizenship education

Managing Editor
E-mail: robert.dawson@eduimpact.net

Andrea Laurent-Simpson

Andrea Laurent-Simpson

Southern Methodist University

Interests: identity theory, family and fertility, and human-nonhuman animal interaction.

Editorial Board Member


Claudia Méndez Wright

Central Washington University

Interests: Migration, motherhood, gender, education, and consumer culture, nderstanding how intersectional identities shape migration trajectories, gender gap in higher education, fatherhood, consumption, and healthcare.

Editorial Board Member

Curt Smith

Curt Smith

Bentley University, Department of Sociology

Interests: social inequality, poverty, and social justice with an emphasis on homelessness and social policy research

Editorial Board Member

Eric Larson

Eric Larson

Albaraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Interests: Understanding and addressing natural resource, environmental, and development issues in rural communities

Editorial Board Member

Francisco Del Canto Viterale

Francisco Del Canto Viterale

University of North Dakota, Social Space Studies

Interests: International Scientific Relations; International Space Relations; Geopolitics of Space; Space Security; Space Diplomacy; Space Cooperation; Systems Models; Interdisciplinary Approach

Editorial Board Member

Gustavo Ovando-Montejo

Gustavo Ovando-Montejo

Utah State University Blanding, Department of Environment & Society, Quinney College of Natural Resources

Interests: Environmental and natural resource management, Human-environmental interactions and their relation to land cover change, Landscape ecology, linking configuration and ecosystem services, Segregation of indigenous peoples, Geographic Information Science (GIScience)

Editorial Board Member

Joseph Comeau

Georgia Southwestern State University, Department of Psychology and Sociology

Interests: Race/Ethnicity, Education, Inequality, and Social Theory

Editorial Board Member

Maggie Bohm-Jordan

Maggie Bohm-Jordan

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Department of Sociology and Social Work

Interests: Family demography, intermarriages, family violence, Asian American studies and spatial analysis.

Editorial Board Member

Rose Judd-Murray

Rose Judd-Murray

Utah State University, College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Interests: Agricultural literacy, nonformal education instruction and professional development improvement, mentoring, and gender inclusion and equity.

Editorial Board Member

sebahattin ziyanak

Sebahattin Ziyanak

The University of Texas Permian Basin, Department of Social Sciences

Interests: Race & Ethnicity, Social Inequality

Editorial Board Member

Shyla Gonzalez-Dogan

Shyla Gonzalez-Dogan

Arizona State University, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

Interests: Experiences of immigrants, refugees, or those of the first generation, identity formation, practices of inclusion and exclusion, and Islamic education.

Editorial Board Member

Travis N Thurston

Travis N Thurston

Utah State University, Director of Teaching Excellence

Interests: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Instructional Design, Online Discussions, Digital Badges, Gamification

Editorial Board Member

Phelton C. Moss

Phelton C. Moss

Virginia Commonwealth University, Assistant Professor, Department Of Educational Leadership

Interests: Critical Education Policy in the New South, Teacher and Leader Diversity

Editorial Board Member

Shihua Brazill

Shihua Brazill

Montana Technological University, Assistant Professor of Communications

Interests:Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Intercultural Communication, Multicultural Education, Universal Design for Learning, Instructional Design, Faculty Development, College Teaching, Higher Education

Editorial Board Member